06 Sep – Club meeting presentation: 1979 The Iranian Revolution
Iran past and Present: a talk by the author Cindy Davies
Cindy’s PowerPoint presentation illustrates how Iran, a monarchy for 2,500 years, became an Islamic Republic almost overnight in 1979.
She has written two novels based in Iran: The Afghan Wife and The Revolutionary’s Cousin, published in 2017 and 2019. The second novel follows her characters on their journey from Iran.
Born in the UK, Cindy has lived, worked and travelled in Turkey. She emigrated to Australia with her family in 1975 and is a graduate of Sydney University. She’s worked as a teacher, freelance writer and tour guide in Sydney and Turkey. Cindy visited Iran for further research in 2014.
She has just finished a third novel set in the Topkapı Palace harem in sixteenth-century Istanbul and is working on her fourth.