Mosman Rotary Club changeover Dinner 2021

The Rotary Club of Mosman held its annual Changeover dinner on Friday evening, June 25th and at the same time celebrated its 60th anniversary.

MC for the night was Past President Di McKenzie, with introductory Rotary toasts performed by Ruth Thompson and Past President Dominique Rabu.

On behalf of District Governor David Clark, District Governor Elect Lindsay May presented longstanding member Past President Barry Starr with a District Service to Rotary Award for his dedication to Rotary especially in the Youth Exchange program and Barry’s commitment to Service Above Self has been an inspiration not only to Rotarians but to all who know him.

To celebrate the 60-year anniversary of the formation of the Rotary Club of Mosman, Past Presidents Rob Sturrock and Blair Leslie shared Club stories from across the last six decades about service projects.

President Richard Vahtrick thanked all the club members and Board who contributed so much to the significant number of community support projects completed by the Club during the year. This was particularly pleasing given COVID restrictions.

Past President Blair Leslie then presented long-standing Rotarian Chris Gotham with a Paul Harris Fellow recognition for his work as Club Treasurer 3 times, Vocational Service Director, participation in fundraising projects and also his volunteer work with Beyond Blue, the Leukemia Foundation and Pennant Hills Golf Club.


Richard Vahtrick then formally inducted Mark Wallis into the role of President for the upcoming 2021/2022. Mark talked about the recent Club Assembly which he convened during which members discussed various areas of potential service projects including youth suicide, domestic violence, environment and climate change. Mark presented the incoming Board. He then inducted new member, David Jackson.

The Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron provided yet again a wonderful venue, food, wine & service. We were entertained by Adam Axford, magician and wordsmith. A huge thank you to The Mosman High Jazz Trio and Vocalist for providing beautiful music and song for the event and we were honoured to have as a special guest, the Principal of Mosman High, Susan Wyatt.

If you would like any information about the Rotary Club of Mosman please don’t hesitate to look us up on our website or email

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